World Of Tanks Garage Slots 150 Gold New
since any tank bought in game will be compensated full gold if you already own it,i will be 'churning' my garage tanks for sure. the garage slots i dont need ,but the X5 for 25 victories for that 'churned' tank is worth the few seconds to click 'buy' in-game!at this point in time i have almost ALL the tanks that may be offered...and the few that i DONT have i may actually spend lootbox gold on! (still wallowing in last years smaug hoard!)
World Of Tanks Garage Slots 150 Gold Coin

Two days of premium account for sub-mission, garage slot for 100 gold and free garage slot for 100 battles (5 times per account). Both tanks weren't hard to get if every day you 'knocked stars' (double experience for first won battle) and used the weekend bonuses (like 5x experience for first win). Twitch Prime members, the World of Tanks Starter Pack is here! Get your hands on the M22 Locust light tank, 7 days of World of Tanks Premium, 500 Gold, 400,000 Credits, 3 Garage slots, the Ranger camo, crew skins and 4 high-tier Premium rental tanks! Dec 31, 2015 This feature is not available right now. Please try again later.
World Of Tanks Garage Slots 150 Golden
and i hope prem time 360 shows up at 15-20 % off,will snag that also.
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